Virtua Living
However, if any of you out there come across a VF2 overlay in the near future, then please contact me. I'll pay any decent price.
Also, special thanks goes out to Chris Lucich for his level 10 lock-picking skills, as he was able to open up the coin assembly on my VF2 machine before I got the keys. He's a great guy, so some giant video game publisher should snatch him up as a Game Designer. HE WORKED ON PANZER DRAGOON SAGA FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!

Other than that bit of news, things are going well on all fronts. The puppy is growing up quickly and the house is slowly coming together. There is always work to be done, but I think we'll be a lot happier once some new windows get put in and the back area finally gets some grass. I'm eager to see how it will all end up.
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