For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Updates Coming Soon... I Promise

I just wanted to apologize to everyone about the lack of updates and promise that some will be coming next week. I've just been so busy with the extra addition to the family, as well as all the work that has appeared with getting the Xbox 360 version of Universe at War out the door. The game is shaping up quite nicely and I think people will see the improvements in how the controls are versus other console RTS titles. Those of you who pay attention may have noticed me on "On The Spot" some weeks back, pimping the PC version of UAW.

Other than that, I am looking forward to this three-day weekend and hope to get a chance to see Cloverfield at some point. I'm a sucker for monster movies, so this is definitely right up my alley. If you happen to see it, post your thoughts for others as I don't think this is a movie that is going to do that well at the box office unless word of mouth really picks up. I definitely can't wait to see it, though.


  • At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What's up Stephen?! Cloverfield was awesome. I could give a crap about the characters which I felt took more time than it should to set up but it worked into the storyline so whatever. It just seems like an "amazing effects" type of movie so if you're into that, it's worth checking out. Just don't expect too much from the story because it's really simple. Considering it's filmed through a pedestrians camera, you see and know about as much as them which is very little. Good movie though. Nothing great.


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