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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Perfect Dark Zero... Rises Again

While I wasn't holding my breath for it, I was still hoping that PDZ would follow the same plan of unveiling that Halo did. That, of course, would be an initial unveling that underwhelmed (which happened on the MTV special), followed by a lack of screens and info and then, eventually, a new resurfacing that would instill a greater sense of confidence and hope in the product. Well, if the screens found in the recent issue of Edge magazine are any indication then history may well be repeating itself. The "new" PDZ looks great and has definitely rekindled some of my faith in the series. Granted, there are still precious few Xbox 360 titles that actually look "next-gen" and interest me, but I guess I can add at least one more to my list which only currently features PGR3, Oblivion and Gears of War.

Unfortunately, none of these titles has gotten me to a feverish point where I feel I need to get a 360 at launch, but the system is finally starting to get some momentum. Despite the beating it has consistenly been getting in the media, in comparion to the PS3, the system still has some strong legs and Microsoft is managing to do some things right. The console's menu system is just one example of this.

2006 is defiintely going to be an interesting year for gamers... I only hope for two things:

1) That the PS3 and Revolution launch with a fair number of quality titles
2) That the Xbox 360 doesn't become too infested with games that I can also/already play on my PC

Oh, btw, you can check out the scans from the Edge PDZ article over at


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