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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection on PS3?

I just read a post about this very interesting news:

"Word out of Japan is a popular gaming magazine Famitsu has indicated the next game from the Tekken franchise will be none other than Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection on the PS3!? Early reports note that it will be based off the arcade version of the game.

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection is said to be a downloadable game and the release date and pricing is yet to be determined. The news snippet also mentioned that the game will feature high definition graphics and a playable Jinpachi.

Modes confirmed are Arcade Mode, Ghost Battle, and Gallery Mode."

Screens can be found here:

As it has been said that the max price for a downloadable game will be $15, this makes DR quite a value for the money, even if you already own the PSP version like I do.


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