You can pretty much find out all the information about the iPhone on any tech site, so I won't bore you with details. All I have to say is that Apple has done an amazing job and created a product that will redefine what phones do and how they do them. This is a monumental time in portable communications and nothing from now on is going to be the same. One wonders how long it will take RIM and Palm to "catch up." Honestly, I don't think the iPhone will take that much business away from those companies initially, though, as Apple still doesn't have a cohesive package for delivering the information and applications that business folks need or want. Until that time, the iPhone will be popular but won't take off as dramatically. Regardless, all the smart phone manufacturers have a major uphill battle on their hands as Apple has taken a lot of established ideas and thrown it into a very small package along with just enough innovation. The iPhone is sexy and cool and that's not something that can be said of most, if not all, of the other smart phones out there.

The only major downside I can see is that Apple is apparently not allowing for any subsidizing of the phone's price, regardless of if you sign a two-year Cingular contact or not. This could set a nasty precedence for the future as it allows the phone companies to retain a greater percentage of the sales profit and I'm sure they are a big fan of that. Well, I guess the market does dictate the price, so companies are going to have to have something truly great in order to charge what Apple is charging, which is $500 and $600 for the 4GB and 8GB versions, respectively.
Regardless, I'm going to be there on Day One with my cash in hand because this is the first time where I feel I can take all the things I need and want on a daily basis and put them into one device. Throw in some Office apps and I'm good to go and able to work on the go, as well. Hooray, Apple.
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