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Friday, January 26, 2007

PS3: The Scaler Does Exist!

Those of you whose minds tend to wander on such topics might recall the PS3's current inability to up-scale resolutions. For most out there, this is not a problem, but those who have older 1080i sets (which don't accept 720p signals) are stuck playing games like Resistance at 480p resolutions. Also, those who have 720p sets that don't accept 1080i signals (which is very few) are limited to watching Blu-ray movies at 480p.

Fortunately, a solution to this problem has appeared, but seemingly for future titles only (There is a chance that developers could patch some of the titles that are already out but it is doubtful that they would even bother). Sony has finally updated their SDK to include the ability to have the PS3 up-scale via the hardware... but there is a catch. It can only scale horizontal resolutions. What does that mean? Well, you'll have to run over to to get the full story and explanation.

For some reason, Sony is being very secretive about the PS3's scaler chip and its abilities and nobody is sure why. Maybe the answer will reveal itself someday. For now, we can at least rest a little easier knowing that most future titles will be devoid of the issue that was one of PS3's original weaknesses.


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