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Monday, February 04, 2008

An Update On Universe at War 360

Since this last week was full of deadlines and press visits, I didn't get a chance to post any blog entries. However, I did want to let you guys know that the press are definitely warming up to the idea of RTS titles on consoles. The genre is still very much in its infancy, especially on the current crop of consoles, so improvements in controls and UI are certainly slow to appear. However, I definitely think that we're doing some cool things that should help 360 owners really compete on an even playing field against their PC opponents.

I hope that all of you 360 owners out there, even if you are no into strategy games, try out UAW360, as I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much fun it actually is. With all the changes and improvements that are in the console version, I almost consider this a version 1.5 of the PC game. Check out these screens and let me know what you think... You can see some glimpses of the new control UI.

On the console gaming front, I am currently taking a bit of a hiatus after a busy holiday period. My most recent conquests include Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank Future. I'm still trying to make my way through Assassin's Creed, but the repetitive gameplay and meaningless side missions really detract from the experience. On the handheld side of things, I'm almost done with Silent Hill on PSP, which has stolen my attention from Zelda on DS. Hopefully next month, I'll get a chance to pop in Mario, but that might have to wait until I get through Kane & Lynch and the Wii version of Tomb Raider Anniversary. I already played through the PS2 version, which was awesome, but I'm interested in seeing how the Wii controls work. Anyone else out there played it?


  • At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hate RTS games! I don't have ANY fun playing them at all. I wouldn't mind if they were left on PC. Sorry for the harshness, but it's the truth. I'm not that into strategy games to be frank. I just started to really get into Metal Gear Acid 2. I bought it at launch but never played it because I just don't like strategy but I'm getting through it and having fun but...I'll pass on any RTS. Sorry.


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