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Monday, June 20, 2005

I Love My PSP

Here is a post I made at Chris Slate's blog earlier today:

"I might be the exception, but I still really love my PSP. In fact, I use it pretty much everyday. Listening to music in bed, watching movies while I'm waiting for the wife at the store... It's surprising how often there are opportunities to use it. I'm always looking for ways to use my handheld wonder and try to inform people at my blog about it whenever I can. With my free time being more and more limited, especially with a baby on the way, the PSP is the only way I can get in some quick entertainment at a moment's notice. That's why I always have it around and handy. It's not that I don't prefer consoles... It's just that consoles don't really allow you to jump-in and play a three-minute segment very easily."

Are you guys still digging your PSPs?


  • At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with you, and use my PSP every day, but I actually want games that take 30+ hours to beat. I want to be able to have the choice to either play a short snippet game or a long, engrossing one.

  • At 1:56 PM, Blogger Frosty said…

    I don't mind games that take 30+ hours to defeat as long as they are designed in such a way that people can play through them in short segments.

  • At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Agreed. you should be able to save and quit all games at any time, but, to me, that shouldn't mean that all games have to be GBA-like or short games. I want A Final Fantasy that takes 30+ hours to defeat. I want more choices, more option, and just MORE.

  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger wmaru said…

    I would definitely use my PSP for quick fix gaming more if they didn't take so long to get going. The quick sleep mode is very useful though, but it's a tad stressful to make sure I don't leave it like that for days. I do use the PSP for quick movie and music bursts (rips of Family Guy have been in recent rotation).

    For games, I've been using my DS a lot. Warioware Touched and Twisted are still getting heavy play. I just picked up Yoshi Touch n Go on sale and it rocks. About to pick up Kirby and have been playing random GBA games here and there in between.


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