If You Ask...

I've got a lot more stuff in my storage room, but here is what is currently laying around in the "man room" downstairs. Recently, my PS one collection has dwindled to only a few hundred titles as I traded like 40 of them to a guy for a brand-new Xbox 360. Looking back, I think the trade was worth it, but I did have to give up some good titles like the Working Designs Lunar box sets :-(

Maybe, one day, when I get "settled", I'll post up pics of all my consoles and the rest of the games that I have in boxes. You'll definitely see a wide range of stuff from Amiga 500 titles to Wonderswan classics and even a few interesting Japanese collections. Until then, enjoy these examples of professional photography :-)
My Games Collection: Part 1
At 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Were any of these freebies?
At 9:15 AM,
wmaru said…
That reminds me I need to get rid of a bunch of games. I've been fairly good about dumping titles that I know I'll never touch.
At 7:46 AM,
A Total Melvin said…
Dumping games? Ha, I'd take them no problem. ;)
By the way, nice collection Frost.
At 9:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Holy frijole man, thats insane!
Sly looks to be signed by the geniouses behind the game. Sly 2 as well. Are those a bunch of Game boy and Game Boy Color games in the plastic tub to the left of the DDR pad? And why on Earth would you have unopened games? Doesnt your nostalgia bone ever get the itch to rip one open and remember the good times?
And is that just a black cased Playstation or is that the Net Yaroze or whatever it was called? The developers playstation of sorts.
I see you have a wide selection of several systems out there, but why not share that obviously massive Dreamcast selection as well? :P
Duplicated games on the PS1 as well....I mean are ya tryin to corner the market on collectible PS1 titles? :P
Very spiffy collection man. I like it.
At 9:37 PM,
Frosty said…
Haha... thanks for the comments. Here are some responses to your questions:
1)Yup, those are the signatures of the dev team at Sucker Punch. They are a great group of folks and I love the series, so asked them to personalize my copies a bit.
2)Yeah, all my older GB games are in a plastic bin with even more in the storage room. That is also where I keep my N64, SNES, NES and other older games.
3)Well, there are simply way too many games out there and I don't have time to play them all... at least right now, which is why a lot of them are wrapped. Also, if I have already finished the game in gold disc form (for a review) then odds are it is unwrapped, as well.
4)That would be a Yaroze... I used to spend a bit of time programming little apps for it way back in the day.
5)The Dreamcast games are mostly on a wooden rack to the side of the big shelves with some more in the storage area. I guess I can try to take a picture of those at some point.
6)Those duplicates are probably due to my wife who had a decent collection of PS1 games before we even met. Over the years, I have sold or traded away most of them.
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