Obviously, the biggest bit of gaming news today is that God of War for PSP is out. And me, being the big fan I am, raced out this morning to pick up a copy at my local Best Buy. Hopefully everyone who owns a PSP goes out and gets it because it is simply an amazing game. The folks at R.A.D. did an incedible job squeezing the epic adventures of Kratos into a handheld and didn't really compromise at all. Sure, the overall structure of the game is split up into smaller, bite-sized pieces and the general difficulty per setting seems a bit easier than in its big brother console version, but this is still one AAA game that pushes the PSP hardware to its limits and doesn't look back. I can't say enough good things about it and am definitely looking forward to progressing through the game as I take BART to work over the next few days. Normally, I would rush through the game first and then slow down a bit for the other difficult settings, but this time... I think I am going to savor the adventure and go slowly. Maybe it's because I'm getting older.

Other than that, I'm still attempting to finish up Devil May Cry and a few SEGA title that I just got. I've got a press event tomorrow to show off the multiplayer aspects of Universe at War so I'm going to head to bed early tonight. Those of you with Xbox 360s can check out the UAW theme up on LIVE marketplace. I'm following that up every week, for the next three weeks, with some additional downloads and a demo... stay tuned.
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