Respect to MLK
Moving on to other topics, I just wanted to let people know that both GameStop and EB are having a great deal on the Street Fighter Limited Edition Controllers (Ryu, Ken or Chun Li). Normally they're around $20, but you can pick them up now for $15, which is a nice price. Aside from some minor issues I have with the d-pad, I like the controllers, especially since they remind me of the Japanese-style Sega Saturn ones.

Oh, but if you're really hardcore into Street Fighter like I am, then you definitely have to run over to EB and grab one of the awesome Street Fighter Arcade Sticks. It's not as good as a true MAS one, but it's still decently high quality. Unfortunately, some people have complained of joystick issues, but that seems to limited to a small number of units. Also, keep in mind that while they're running only around $60 in-store right now, you can bet that they'll be closer to $100 a year from now on Ebay.

While I'm on the Street Fighter stream of thinking right now, can I go ahead and share a message with Capcom? Will you just go ahead and make a Street Fighter IV already? Sheesh. We've been waiting a while and fans can only take so much of your constant rehashes (Fighting Evolution) and endless team-up titles. Just suck it up and create some brand-new (and high-res) sprites and actually spend some time on the character designs. Let's take a step back to the simpler times and focus less on flash and more on strategy. I'm winded trying to learn 62-hit standard combos. Bring it all down a notch and try to capture the classic feel of the past. I miss home and I'm hoping that Capcom develops and releases a nicely balanced welcome mat that will make things alright again. They can do it... I know they can.
Shifting one dimension over to Virtua Fighter, I'm happy to say that I'm finally getting my wife to start playing my arcade machine. She's a bigger fan of the fast-paced (and flashier) Soul Calibur series, but I'm optimistic that she'll discover a character that she really likes and then sticks with it. I'll keep you updated on her status, so stay tuned.
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