Stumbled Upon a Contender

I'm still a bit unsure of how movies will fare on the PSP, with their high prices (some hover in the $30 range) and all, but I am glad that companies are already beginning to jump on the bandwagon. In order for the UMD format to succeed as a DVD-esque format, though, there will need to be other hardware that supports it. If Sony were smart, it would go forth with its plan to make the UMD an open format, so that other electronic giants can release players, as well. For the time being, we'll just have to be happy with the following announced movies:
- The Punisher
- House of the Dead
- Total Recall
- Rambo: First Blood
- Saw
- Open Water
- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
- Hellboy
- Resident Evil: Apocalypse
- One Upon a Time in Mexico
- Spider-Man 2 (included w/ the PSP)
In all, 27 companies have plans to release UMD-based content, but that will mainly come in the form of music videos and anime. Still, that's not bad considering the fact that the PSP has yet to launch in the U.S.
UPDATE 03/15 - Buena Vista just announced its support for the UMD standard and will be releasing the following starting this spring. Others will follow later in the year. Note: The original Resident Evil movie has always been announced for release directly by Capcom, but it is currently only slated for Japan right now.
- National Treasure
- Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
- Kill Bill Vol. 1
- Reign of Fire
- Hero

It may be slightly old news for some of you, but a new Sin City trailer has been unleashed upon the net and it looks really good. I originally didn't think that this movie would do that well in the box office, but I'm starting to change my mind. The unique look of the film and the well-cut trailers could do a lot to spark mainstream interest.
Sometimes, men will go to extremes to pursue women, but this seems a bit much. This particular man had to be either truly in love or he's missing a few too many brain cells.

If you're like me, then you sometimes just like to surf the web looking for random sites to check out. Well, I came across a great little tool/service that provides a constant flow of random sites that are catered to your interests. It's called StumbleUpon and it's great for killing time or just finding sites you probably would never see otherwise. Enjoy!
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