A Virtual Cornucopia of Goodness
Aggressive Alpine Skiing - This game can be a bit challenging for some, but there's plenty of fun (and blood) to be found on this slope.
squares 2 - If skiing happens to be too difficult for you, then this game might just be what you're in shape for (pun intended).

While there can be no doubt that I'm excited about the upcoming release of the Sony PSP, I still try to stay on top of all the different A/V players out on the market. At least for the current time, iRiver and Creative seem to be the dominant players, but that might be changing soon. Epson, of all companies, is readying its own entry into the genre. The P-2000 is what it's called and it is looking pretty darn sweet.

Sometimes people manage to take two completely different items and create a product that is infinitely greater than the sum of its parts. "The Big Tiki Drive" is a perfect example of this. Who's betting that marketing folks everywhere are practically salivating. Hmmm... but what sort of promotions could it be used for?
There are plenty of videogame quizzes on the web, but here is the most recent one I've been informed of. How many can you get right?

Those of you who enjoyed Napolean Dynamite more than I did will probably be happy to hear that someone finally put together a soundboard for the movie. Thanks to Chris Lucich for emailing me the link to it. Also, which Napolean Dynamite character are you? Find out here.
At 9:16 AM,
wmaru said…
Some reviews have said that Epson PMP is not so hot. I was kind of looking forward to it since the screen resolution is 640x480, double of most other PMPs. The next generation with the AMD chips should be a lot better. All the ones I messed around with always had trouble keeping up with your commands.
At 10:58 AM,
Frosty said…
Really?! That's too bad since it has so much else going for it. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this product line, though.
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