For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Where Will You Be?

20th Century Fox's "The Day After Tomorrow" may not have been the best of films, but it did a lot to bring the spotlight on some of the ecological issues that are impacting our planet. The threat of global warning appears to be real and the human race could be on the verge of wiping themselves out. This "Countdown to global catastrophe" is exactly the topic of this article. Perhaps the point of no return really could be reached in ten years.

While I'm clinging to the disaster motif, I'd thought I would share the nominations for the 25th Annual Golden Raspberry (RAZZIE)Awards. For those who don't know, the RAZZIEs are given to the worst achievements in film. Highlights from this year's nominations include Catwoman as "Worst Picture" and Oliver Stone as "Worst Director". Check out the full list here.

Before I head home to my lovely wife and ever-so-obedient puppy, there was one last piece of news I wanted to throw your way. After weeks of sites talking about the possibility, Take Two has finally stepped up to the plate and signed an exclusive third-party deal with the MLB Players' Association, allowing it to use all the licensed players in any upcoming baseball titles. However, a deal with the MLB has yet to be signed, so who knows what's going to happen now. Also, the deal only applies to third-party companies, so Sony can still continue releasing their own MLB title for the foreseeable future.

Making the deal a one-two punch, company also acquired Visual Concepts (and its Kush subsidiary) from SEGA for the nice, bargain price of $24 million. GameSpot has more details on the acquisition. Here's hoping the company will start producing more than just baseball titles.


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