A Dog's Life
Speaking of dogs, SEGA is apparently preparing their own competitor to the Aibo throne. It isn't going to be as advanced a robot as the Aibo, but it will definitely allow you to do some cool stuff with it, like create music. CNET has an article about this idog, if you want to know more.

On the videogame side of things, at least one interesting thing happened today. Activision finally acquired Vicarous Visions, makers of several handheld titles, such as the upcoming PSP version of Spider-Man and the GBA version of Batman Begins. However, it appears that the purchase was more about getting VV's Alchemy middleware than anything else. It's a pretty smart move, actually, especially after EA snatched up Renderware. Hmmm... it will be interesting to see if anyone grabs NDL's Gamebryo tech, especially as the next-gen wars start to heat up and every major publisher is desperate for that edge.

One cool site to check out, when you have a few free hours, is Digital Press. You can actually find out how rare your PSone titles are, which is pretty neat.
While I have you geeking out, let's see if you can tell if something is real or fake. This is a video clip I stumbled upon earlier today and it seems awful real. What do you think?
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