For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Doom & Gloom

It seems that today has been full of bad news, which is surprising for a Friday. Sony started the ball rolling by announcing that their revenues were lower than expected for the quarter. It seems that increased competition and falling retail prices have really cut into their profits. Even their massive re-org doesn't seem to be helping as much as expected. So, at least for the foreseeable future, until the PSP really kicks into full-swing, it doesn't appear that the electronics giant is going to be that well off. We'll have to see if Ken Kutaragi can do anything to help the company, as more and more focus is put on the SCEI branch.

In other dark news, the Chicago Tribune has released a story on the increasingly foggy future of Nintendo. IGN's Matt Casamassina even rings in with his growing disappointments in the company. You can read the article here, but you'll have to register first. As with many classic gamers, I love Nintendo as a game developer, but I hate them as a company. They make a lot of mistakes and still have way too much pride. I'm betting that hurts them a lot in the next generation.

Since I hate ending a blog post on a bad note, here's a couple of nice things to check out. The first is a picture of a friend visiting the Great Wall of China. It's an amazing picture and certainly shows off what people are capable of on this planet.

While I'm thinking about pictures, I just wanted to let you all know that there are new pictures of Miya and Chloe up on the Pictures section of my site. Go check them out.

Well, it's almost time for me to head home for a nice sushi dinner, but there's just a couple more links I wanted to share with you. Tim Burton fans should go and check out the trailer for Corpse Bride, while P2P fans should run and grab the early beta of Exeem, the new replacement for BitTorrent. The software is still early, obviously, but it has definite potential.

Well, that's it for today. Have a great weekend everyone and don't forget to hug a stranger. You'll be a better person for doing it.


  • At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey Frosty, good blog entry today! sucks about the Sony news but if any company can pull it off, it's Sony... great electronics, they are the bomb! This was an interesting year for games -- good and bad -- so I'll be interested to see how 2005 takes off (or doesn't). Not so many games I'm looking foward to but that's just me. Your pets are really good looking, especially your Miya dog. What a face on that pooch!

  • At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's a cool picture of your friend on the Great Wall. I'll love it when people take the time to travel and experience the world. You've got cool friends, Frostman... maybe you should take a trip, Machu Picchu anyone?


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