For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Random Links and Funny Ads

Things have been a bit hectic today, so I'm going to keep this entry pretty short and sweet. Needless to say, this week has been full of surprises and unfortunate industry news. However, it's the weekend now, so let's think of nothing but positive thoughts. Enjoy the following links and the next couple of days.

Kung Fu Hustle - This is directed by Stephen Chow, the genius who brought the world Shaolin Soccer. I'm betting this is going to be a really funny movie with some over-the-top fighting action.

Volkswagen Car Ad - There's been an influx of great car ads recently and this one is definitely up there. It starts out all familiar, but then quickly becomes something altogether different. Enjoy.

Mirror, Mirror - You probably wouldn't think that something as simple as a mirror could spark technological innovation, but that is exactly what happened in this case. We now live in a world where wooden mirrors exist. Amazing!

When Stick Figures Cause Harm - Sometimes, it boggles me that things like this happen. Have we come to a point when even general artwork can get you in trouble? Perhaps if the guys had gotten a good colorist, they wouldn't be in this situation.


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