God of War II = Love
I have a sort of intimate relationship with Kratos in that I had to truly analyze his adventures for a former project I was working on. Unfortunately, that project won't ever be released, but it did put me on a path to understanding GoW at a level that most people (even huge fans of the game) aren't even aware of. The underlying design of that title is simply amazing and while I don't understand why the development team did certain things the way they did, such as how the face buttons function in relation to grabbing enemies, I can easily acknowledge that they did way, way, way, way, way more things right than wrong. It certainly wasn't an easy journey for them, I know that, but the end result - in my opinion - definitely was worth it.
Jumping ahead to this past Tuesday, I almost had a heart attack when my local EB called up and told me that they just got in the demo for GoW II. I immediately rushed over, grabbed it and drove back home as fast as humanly possible. (My apologies to the lady at the crosswalk :-) I then proceeded to pop the disc in my PS3 and began my first steps into a bold, new adventure. To say the least, the demo was spectacular but I do have to say that I still feel the demo from the original GoW was actually better. It had a larger variety of gameplay mechanics and had a nice balance of challenges. The GoW II demo just feels a bit flatter with mostly just combat and a few chain swings thrown in for good measure. The boss fight is still quite amazing, though.
I urge all of you to go out and pre-order your copy now. The game even looks great on the PS3, though you will have to deal with the whole 'no rumble' thing. Frankly, I have a sneaking suspicion that GoW II could very well end up as Best Game of the Year and we're still only in March!!!
Man, I love this game so much that if Sony released a console that only played the games from this series, it would be my favorite console of all time (Sorry, SNES). This game and the large variety of other Sony-published games is why I got entranced by the PlayStation brand in the first place. Hmmm... maybe I'll write a blog post about that later on.
Summary: Pre-order GoW II and play the demo to death. It will prepare you for what many consider one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences out there.
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