UAW360 Demo & Other Ramblings

Speaking of money's worth, I am anxiously awaiting my copy of Hot Shots Golf to come in the mail, as I plan to take on a few of my coworkers and friends in a no-holds-barred tournament that is bound to rock the very halls of the PlayStation Network. Let me know if you have a copy of the game and are interested in playing and I'll see what I can do to get you in the tournament.

On the DVD front, I've been trying to catch up on the Anime version of Witchblade, which I'm still not sure if I like or not. However, I reckon now that I've spent the time to see the first three volumes, I should continue on until the series end. Honestly, the show is not quite what I expected and is almost a bit too light-hearted for the underlying premise. The character development is a bit weak and the enemies that show up generally leave much to be desired. Still, the action scenes are pretty cool and I'm sure there are plenty worse things I could be watching.
Other than that, I'm trying to deal with a sick child, but he appears to be getting better so, hopefully, that means a bit more sleep tonight for all of us. Here's to peaceful dreams.
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