The Dentist Is In...

While we are on the topic of dentists and pain, I thought this little movie would be quite appropriate. It covers a sadistic little experiment one fellow decides to perform on his cat. Just remember, this was done for the betterment of humanity... And to just basically show off how strange cats can be. For a little more sad action check out this flash file of one lonely cat singing.

Oh, and on a last note, did anyone catch the Episode III trailer last night during "The OC". It looks pretty good and might help to reduce the pain and hatred that I feel about the first two episodes. I just hope there are plenty of space battles going on. If you want to learn more, don't forget to tune into "60 Minutes" tonight where George Lucas is the man of the hour. Check out this trailer too, while you're at it. It's not quite Star Wars, but more like "Jumanji" in space.
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