For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Happy Birthday To My Wife

Today's update is merely to share the news that it's my wife's birthday. To celebrate, we're heading over to the Daly City Todai for some all-out eating, which will then be followed by some delectable Coldstone ice cream. I can't wait!

This year, the theme of the presents I got her is "practicality". Sure, I like to throw in some generally fun stuff for good measure, but not too much of it. To be honest, I normally pride myself in coming up with some great present ideas, but this year had me a bit stumped. In the end, though, I feel I was able to get some creativity in there, but not as much as I would have liked.

Regardless, it all just boils down to her enjoying today. That's the most important thing, right? I certainly think so.


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