For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Stairway to PSP Heaven

Sorry about the lack of updates recently, but it seems the PSP has been taking up most of my free time. With so many great games to play, it's hard to find time for anything else but wi-fi multiplayer and hanging out with the family. At least for me, PSP gaming is a godsend, as I don't really have much time to play console games at home anymore. Short bursts of WipEout, Tiger Woods and Need For Speed are all I can really squeeze in these days.

For those of you jumping on the "downloading videos to your PSP" bandwagon, here are some useful programs and resources for you to check out. If any of you know of any other useful applications, definitely send me an email about them.

  • PSPhoto:
    Manages and shrinks down photos for the PSP

  • PSP Video 9:
    Will convert movies and upload them to your PSP

  • iPSP:
    Manage your pictures, movies, etc. and convert them. You can also back up your save games, which is a useful feature

  • Sony Connect:
    Prep your memory stick for movies and download various (and constantly updated) content

  • Mobile Media Maker:
    Seems to be able to shrink movie size pretty small for those of you with only the stock 32MB memory stick

  • 3GPP Japanese Video Encoder:
    Another program designed to compress movies for your PSP

  • Rapiz PSP Video Converter:
    Yet another converter for movies

  • PSP Video Encoding Thread:
    A good place to read up on converting movies for the PSP

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