The Lord of the Cars
It's obvious that the King of Swaziland has a fetish for cars, as he tends to put them considerably ahead of his people. Buying BMWs for all ten of his wives doesn't seem to bother him, despite the fact that the country is known for is "frequent food shortages and one of the world's highest AIDS infection rates." I think there's a special place where he belongs.

Some of you may have seen this trailer before, but I think it deserves linking to. For those who aren't familiar with the movie, Tetsujin 28 is based on a popular Anime series about a boy and his giant robot, which inspired the domestic creation of "Iron Giant". On that same note, the director of "Iron Giant" went on to make "The Incredibles", another wonderfully done film.
Another wonderful thing is that Sony has now officially announced that there will be one million PSP units available for the North American launch. While that's probably still not enough, it does guarantee that pretty much everyone who pre-ordered will get one. Also, the first domestic PSP title, Ridge Racer, has gone gold and will feature a new mode that wasn't in the Japanese version. Woohoo!

In sad news, Peter Jackson is apparently suing New Line Cinema for potentially stiffing him on millions of dollars in profits from "The Fellowship of the Ring." More about the case can be found here. Given the fact that the director has more money than what he can do with (He got paid $20 million for just King Kong), one has to wonder his motives. Maybe he's more interested in the point that U.S. companies shouldn't be messing with the Australians?
Maybe the dream of a moonbase, such as the one in 007's Moonraker isn't so far from the realm of possibility. After all, the Japanese certainly seem to be thinking of building one.
As I sign off for today, I wanted to ask you all how much you like whisky. Do you like it enough to pay $48,500 for a bottle? Some people do.

UPDATE: Ever wonder why a large number of online gamers seem to be overweight? Well, this obviously isn't the only reason, but it definitely doesn't help.