For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Online Names

Just in case you folks out there want to meet up and play games from time to time, I've decided to post my various gamer tags:

Xbox Live = "THE FROSTMAN"
Wii = I don't have one yet and hate the idea of a 16-digit number

Feel free to add me to your friends list, if you want, and maybe we can try a co-op game of Gears of War or a multiplayer skirmish in Resistance.

Monday, November 27, 2006

PS3 Firmware Update 1.11

The new update is out so go grab it via the PS3 update feature. Right now, it appears that the only changes are improvements in speed of the web browser and the addition of an Manage Account icon on the XMB. Hopefully, we'll know what other changes have been added soon.

Decals For Your PS3

"Killer next-gen console or high-priced Blu-Ray player, the new Playstation 3 is the hottest thing this holiday season. After dropping upwards of $2000 for a console on eBay, $60 each for a few games, plus another $50-100 for a good HDMI cable, it's stretching all but the wealthiest gamers' budgets. As always, we're here to help you spend what's left of your paycheck or allowance - dress up that gloss black console with a full color DecalGirl PS3 skin kit for under $15! Be sure to check out the matching PS3 SIXAXIS controller skins - 5 pieces for maximum coverage!"

If you are one of those people who want to wrap up your PS3 in a nice, protective cover then decals are probably the way to go. I admit that some of them are pretty cool-looking. Check out,232.htm to see what all the hoopla is about.

Red Kawa: Transfer Files To Your PS3

This is a great program I stumbled upon that allows you to transfer media files (music, movies, etc.) to your PS3 from any PC on the same network. Also, since the two systems are on the same network, the transfer speed is generally very fast. The program is called "Red Kawa" and it's still quite early right now, but there is definite potential there. I transfered over a bunch of home videos and music and can now enjoy them on my PS3 without having to burn them to a disc or anything like that. If you're interested in finding out more, swing your browser to