For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Xbox 360 HDD is Full!

Wow, with 20GBs of space, I never thought I would run out but that's exactly what happend this morning. I've made it a habit of downloading pretty much any demo that became available on Live which appears to be something you shouldn't do. I guess that and the current FFXI beta really took up all my available space. I'm sure that most people won't manage to fill up their entire hard drives this quickly, but I'm certainly hoping that Sony makes its HDD at least 40GBs just to be safe.

With a lifespan of 5 years or more, just imagine how many songs, videos, demos and patches you'll need to store. 20GBs probably won't cut it.