For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Friday, October 06, 2006

New Ghost Rider Trailer

A new Ghost Rider trailer has been released and I'm not quite sure what to think. Unlike a lot of people I know, I really dug the last trailer and was excited to see the movie. However, this new release makes me think the movie is going to end up a bit worse than I had originally thought. I hope time proves me wrong but there's a good chance that this will end up doing worse than Elektra in the box office. I just wished that the Blaze character was played by an unkown... it's just hard getting over the whole Nic Cage thing.

Well, come to your own conclusions after you see the trailer here.

Oh, and I'm not so sure that Fonda was the ideal choice either.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

HDMI 1.3 = 1440p

We've barely begun to see 1080p sets yet people are already talking about the next resolution standard of 1440p, which is 1440x2560 at a max refresh rate of 120Hz. Maybe Kutaragi wasn't crazy when he was talking about games running at 120fps. Even cooler is the fact that the HDMI 1.3 standard also "adds support for Dolby True HD and DTS HD, both uncompressed multi track master audio formats."

It's great to see that HDMI is starting to gain ground as anything to reduce the amount of cable clutter at the back of my entertainment center is certainly welcome in my book. Europe have their own single-cable standard (SCART), which has been around for quite a while but they have the same issue that HDMI suffers from. There is no way to currently record, or archive, this uncompressed sort of data. It is very much a dedicated display standard... at least for now. Who knows what the future holds, right?

The thing that excites me is the fact that the PS3 supports HDMI 1.3 so there is hope that it will also support the "Deep Color" features, which basically allows for up to 48-bit color, amongst other things. This, alone, substantially improves the color richness and accuracy of displayed materials. That and the higher refresh rates should do a lot to make PS3 games look even more vibrant and smooth, especially when compared to the competition.