While I haven't been a member of Netflix for as long as most people, I can't believe I was able to live without the service for so long. To me, it's pretty much the movie equivalent of Tivo, as far as the impact it has on my television-viewing experience. I'm a huge movie fan, so having new movies arrive at my house every few days is like Christmas happening ten times a month. Obviously, it saves me money too, as I used to buy DVDs left and right, so now I can just focus on getting the Blu-ray films that I really, really want. Kill Bill, anyone? Still, I tend to watch movies every night, so there are plenty of times when my movies are making their way through our postal system and I have nothing to watch. Those are the nights that I generally catch up on my tv shows, but there isn't much on during the summer. So, it was like a sign from the movie gods when I found out about
The Netflix Player by Roku.

Obviously, movie streaming is nothing new to Netflix. You can do it now very easily to your PC. I'll sometimes utilize the service at work, during lunch. However, I really wanted a way to be able to stream my movies to my tv without having to have it already compressed and stored on my PC and pushing it through my PS3 or Xbox 360. That is what is so great about the Netflix Player. You can just hook it up to your television and network (wired or wireless) and easily stream movies from your Netflix "Watch Instantly" queue.

There are only about 12,000 movies available for streaming, but that number increases each week and there is plenty of genres to browse through. I don't know about you, but that is so very cool to me. The only downside is that you can't browse and add movies to your queue from the box, but I generally have my iPhone with me and add movies that way. I also love the fact that it has every connection under the sun, including HDMI and optical digital, and is very small in size. You can pretty much hide it away anywhere.

Some of you may recall that Netflix has partnered with Microsoft to bring movie streaming to the Xbox 360, which is cool. However, I was looking for a solution that I could easily move from room to room or throw in a bag and bring on trips with me. In that regard, nothing comes close to Roku's little fun box. For those of you who are on Netflix, you should seriously consider picking one up. I can't recommend it enough, especially if they continue to update it with future firmware revisions.