For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

PSPWare... For Windows

Finally, one of the best overall applications for the PSP is now available for the PC. In most cases, PSPWare surpasses even PSPVideo9 in overall ease and flexibility. The only catch is that the full version costs $15, but it's definitely worth it. Check it out at the Nullriver Software site.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

It Has Begun...

It has finally happened... The heartland of single-console development seems to have succumbed to the general world view of multi-SKU releases. Now, if this spreads to even more Japanese companies, then the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are really going to be very similar games-wise. Now, it will just depend on which 1st party games you prefer more. Anyway, here is the story from the newly resurrected Next-Generation website:

"Capcom president and CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto says development costs for next generation games will rise by as much as 40 percent adding that the company must exploit a multi-platform strategy, migrating brands to other media, in order to offset these added costs.

In an interview with Next Generation he said, "Initially I believe costs may rise by around 30% to 40%, but we've been gearing up for this, re-thinking and re-organizing our product development system, in order to keep rising costs in check as much as possible."

He added, "We're building effective, cost-efficient product development processes, and are working on multi-platform title release strategies, and hope to continue to maximize profits. We're putting in place systems that are designed to maximize profits by using IPs in multiple outlets to create revenue outside the consumer game market, so I believe that we will be able to keep costs well under control."

He said, "We will continue to adhere to our multi-platform strategy, but at the same time we'll continue to keep tabs on market conditions as we make release platform decisions for titles. We're getting an early start on the next generation of consoles, and will be releasing Dead Rising for Xbox 360, as well as Devil May Cry 4 for the PS3. Although both titles fall into the action genre, we also recently established a new development studio called Clover Studio, who we feel will provide a wealth of unique, innovative, genre-making titles. Okami received a positive response at E3."

Monday, June 20, 2005

I Love My PSP

Here is a post I made at Chris Slate's blog earlier today:

"I might be the exception, but I still really love my PSP. In fact, I use it pretty much everyday. Listening to music in bed, watching movies while I'm waiting for the wife at the store... It's surprising how often there are opportunities to use it. I'm always looking for ways to use my handheld wonder and try to inform people at my blog about it whenever I can. With my free time being more and more limited, especially with a baby on the way, the PSP is the only way I can get in some quick entertainment at a moment's notice. That's why I always have it around and handy. It's not that I don't prefer consoles... It's just that consoles don't really allow you to jump-in and play a three-minute segment very easily."

Are you guys still digging your PSPs?