For many of you, this will be one of the most interesting rides you'll probably ever go on. My life is a bumpy journey full of of chills and thrills, so jump in and buckle up. I'll be sure to supply plenty of popcorn.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Shadow Knows...

While I would agree that the 1994 version of "The Shadow" wasn't the greatest movie ever, I still do have to admit that I liked it. It was too campy, for sure, but I love the character so much and I think there were some moments in the movie that were spot-on.

Today, my unwavering faith in the iconic character has been supported with news that "Sony Pictures has acquired the screen rights to "The Shadow," the legendary 1930s pulp hero, for a big-screen adaptation to be produced by "Spider-Man" helmer Sam Raimi."

Apparently, the only reason that Raimi did "Darkman" is because he wasn't able to get the rights to "The Shadow". Regardless, this is awesome news and it just made my week. More information about the pending movie can be found here.

New Update Messed Up My 360

So, the new update that was supposed to address 1080p and VGA-related issues (which were caused by the previous update) now causes my display to be shifted around 4-5 inches to the right and bordered by a thin border. Before the update, everything was great. I was able to enjoy Gears of War and movies in a very clean and sharp 720p or 1080i signal. Now, I have to manually adjust the my Samsung DLP to shift the image to the right and zoom in a bit. That just plain sucks. Why did MS have to go in and mess with non-1080p-related stuff. There doesn't seem to be a firmware update that it releases that doesn't mess up someone's system in some way or another. In fact, I just had another friend have to return their 360 because it simply broke. People complain about Sony's build quality... well, basing it on all the people I know who have broken 360s, I would say that MS is way, way, way, way, way, way worse. One guy I know is on his 4th or 5th 360 now!

Anyway, I hope that MS gets on the ball and addresses some of these issues that people are having or it is going to have a lot worse problems than this guy who is putting a class action case against them.