Being a fan of Sony, as a company, I'm always interested to see what new products they release every month. In most cases, it's just another batch of mp3 players, which no longer interest me, but this week... something cool and hip is was announced by the electronics giant. The device is called the Mylo and it's basically the ultimate messenging, browsing, emailing device for people on the go. It's not a phone, but it does support Yahoo and Skype, so you can actually call people using the built-in mic and speakers whenever you are near a wireless hot spot. So, in almost every regard, it looks to beat out the Sidekicks in every way possible. Hell, it even has an Opera browser so you no longer have to browse in a lmited fashion anymore.
Definitely check out
Gizmodo for even more info (and a movie) about the product. The only thing I'm not hot on is the $350 pricetag.